There are a number of different ways to search and filter open CALPIA jobs. Select from any of the below links to view just those open jobs by the criteria you’re looking for. To view all job openings currently posted visit: CalCareers.

Work Type
Minimum Salary
Job Categories

Student Assistants

CALPIA hires student assistants throughout the year through Sacramento State’s University Enterprises Inc. To find what current open student assistant jobs are currently available to apply for visit the following link:

Retired Annuitant Opportunities

Are you a retired State of California employee? Are you interested in working for the State on a temporary basis as a retired annuitant? If you answered ‘Yes’ to both of those questions, you are invited to register on to be placed in a hiring pool that will be used by state departments.

You can find all of CALPIA’s Retired Annuitant current opportunities by visiting CalCareers.